I havent updated as much as i probably should because Noc has, on and off in the sb and on the Anonib site, updated us as to what has been happening. I will however put up some teaser to show that Noc has been very busy.
Two things that have happened -- we have a new look and some changes to the structure -- we are not on vbulletine anymore and we will have a ton of the same stuff we had before. We also have a new slogan -- hopefully you guys will find it a little bit cheeky and funny like Noc and I did.
Here is the new look

The new header
Our new slogan is "The Fapmaker" sorta a play on the mentos' freshmaker bs stuff.
Other updates -- atm we have a host that works with bluhentai.com -- but atm the server is being attacked. We were supposed to set up and have things on their server by this weekend so we can start the opening sometime after that.
Browsehentai -- bluhentai.com and tetrahentai.com are no longer affiliated with it in the way we were. We are not on the same server as them and unfortunately the account has been suspended. I dont know much else other then the people who were DMCAing all of us got the sexkey or money account suspended and sadly TK probably couldnt afford to keep it up. Also the guy who was stalking our sites would have had the ability to pick and choose tons of sites that he could raid -- a little too easily. So i suspect BH is down for good.
Shini hasnt come back up -- i saw that they had a bloggie but that newer blog, which was also on blogger -- was deleted or suspended. You cant put up much pron on these bloggers cause Google doesnt like anyone breaking DMCA.
Cant really tell you guys too much else other then we have the forum put together -- all the smilies and posts seem to be there -- we didnt lose any -- so means we will see all our topics and such. We also havent gotten rid of any of the avas. We might also need to change the URL of our site due to some ownership disputes - so expect to change your book mark for it sometime in the neer months.