Our hiccups and down time the last few days and probably for a while are due to Ddos attacks. Something that our small site is going to have to just deal with. Hopefully our server people dont care too much. Noc emailed them and they said they turned us off because it was causing a problem -- not much else. They wanted the ddoser to not have a place to go to. So -- we are back up.
I cant exactly say why we are getting ddosed -- especially since we have taken all illegal content from America down, we do have translator's works so they might be miffed -- we dont get really any monetary gain from any of this stuff -- so some of it is odd.
I know we had a joke about some disgruntled members who were banned for their own inability to read rules -- that they might be the reason -- but that is speculation. Oh well -- maybe the ddoser was just a bored tosser.
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