Alright, i said i was going to make a formal post on here, and i gave us a lil bit of time till the site will go back up.
Reason it hasnt gone back up is that we need to get a name for the URL. I wont be getting the tetra-hentai.com one any time soon, if at all. So we need to come up with names. I will take ghostface's suggestion -- that i put up a poll here. I need people to vote and also to write in here what they like -- if they dont like the four that i have chosen then they need to suggest more. We will name other parts of the forum later, i am saying this cause i saw some people wanting to name parts of it; that will be nice to get some ideas on those.
Also - general meeting on Sunday with people, my Sunday so Aussies will have to deal with Monday morning. We need people to get onto an instant messinger -- I know i use yim, but i also use msn to chat, or skype. So hopefully Sunday at 3pm my time, which is 10 in Denmark and the UK i believe and then 7 or 8 am in Oz . I can try to have a day long chat where i meet different groups or we can have just one big one that last two hours or so. If anyone wants in on this -- leave a message in the sb, email, or leave a message here. I will need emails from people so i can add them or some one else can add em once we are in the chat. The chat is going to probably be on what is going on with the vote, content of the site, structure and look of the site -- then finally the name of it. My email on here is GussieKlimt@gmail.com ( high light to view, this is not my im email, send me your ims and information on where you want to chat at) I do not check this email a lot but i will check it for the next few days. I will remove this email later so that i wont get spam.
Hopefully this clears up a few things, I have talked to fluff today -- except i was out doing a few things. I hope to get some definite stuff this week. And thank you for checking up here -- just hope that things go a lot faster now.
Alrght, so if I can remember, I'd definitely like to attend this meeting..if my times are right, that's midnight on saturday for me.
Just in case, can you tell me what time you're looking at in Greenwhich time? Either get Kunai or Zinn to bother me on Steam, or send me an email. Or of course, reply here.
I would HIGHLY not suggest 'Project Tetra' regardless of its amount of votes. Tetra-Hentai is a community hentai site, not some project. Aside from that fact, it holds unappealing and does not sound welcoming at all.
To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of any of the names (though I don't have a better suggestion just this moment). But, hopefully that's what the meeting will be for.
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