Alright, when Tetra went down i wasnt sure on what was going to happen.
I suspect i wont get the old forum back, and probably not the name. If i do we are going to decide on what to do really. Some people want to restart a lil bit, so we can get everyone starting fresh. If we decide to start fresh, and i can get the forum -- i probably will archive it and have it so people can view it.
The new forum will probably be on vbulletin instead of the sms machines one. I am looking into buying a license for the software.
As for anything else. I asked Fluff to host for me, he will just be the owner in name mostly -- and probably his usual poster self. I have to really thank him for being good enough to do it. I know i asked a few people and just like me -- we cant really host it due to our future job ideas. Fluff will be gone until about the 6th of Jan so there is a lil bit of time that we have to figure some unknown stuff out.
So, i want to know what people think, ideas for names etc.
I know i talked to Gathius and he and i discussed an all over forum; meaning all topics, all sharing etc. We still love porn and hentai -- but we wanted to include other stuff and make it a sorta all encompassing forum. The forum will probably also be a lil more private; meaning that guests might only see minimal areas -- sharing ones only.
The other thing is what probably set up a lot of the problems. We do not want to house the lolicon and shotacon stuff any more. The people in the UK, some of Australia and Canada are affected by the laws that are being passed; not to mention some of the Asian countries and the US might as well. We want to make sure that people know that we dont want it on the any of the forums we will have -- but it wont be a ban-able offense.
Other then that -- i hope everyone is ok with the arrangement. Most of the stuff will stay the same; some of the rules will be changed or removed but they wont really be that different. WE are hoping that with the newer forum that spam wont really matter -- meaning we wont enforce a 'no spam' thing. Any other suggestions for rules will help as well.
And well the Holidays are coming on, this made me feel that things are a lil brighter for the site -- so Happy Holidays guys -- and i hope to see people and the site up in some way after the 10th of Jan. *hugs and gives presents*
Hey Gustav you might remember me I was formerly DeathandTaxes back on the Japanation boards and whitefire on tetra, just thought put my two cents in say I'm sad to hear the new site is going to be another place which is getting rid of shota and lolicon :( while I get why, it's still horrible to see free of expression curtailed in this manner.
Still :) I'm looking forward to the new site being up!
looking forward to the new site
Fox here!
Wow, I am saddened to here that the forum is down. Even though I did kinda vanish from the site it still hold a great amount of memories for me.
I would love to become active in the community once more if given the chance but alas that is totally up to all of you to place the wonderful forum up and running. Until then, I hope all goes well for everyone involved in the project.
Fox out!
Thanks a LOT for the update, Gus. Kunai gave me a bit of a brief, but it was still rather abrupt..
I've had some good times at Tetra, and it's nice to know the site might not have totally kicked the bucket yet.
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