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As i said before i wanted to know who were the wonderful members who offered up their help.We need to thank these people:
For Tetra: (i wanna say you guys rock for this!)
Pingin darkarchon152000
For Shini: Great job -- and if anyone else did it plz do tell me.
Each of these members has my absolute respect for helping the community out!
One page that is back up atm:
Wurmknight***But give him time to redo some of his downloads before you go over and yell where's the shit at ok. His site is up and hopefully you can get some of your goodies there ;)As for our own site and others -- i have no other info atm -- not sure what is going to go up next or if they are. Give it about a day or so -- will get more info soon.
This is some basic information:If you want to donate -- email TK -- his email is two posts down. His website is down atm but get his Gmail and email him for's email is
The forum was saved -- TH - in full -- but it is a bit old -- so means when we do go back up - we are going to be missing some posts. We dont know when we will go back up -- so we cant make a estimated time of it. I have been offered by a friend of mine -- a server to use -- he gave me some time estimate for him to get it done in like a week or so. I dont know what tk is doing for this -- i sent him a service but he hasnt gotten back to me. He found one that he thought would work and is working on getting them to accept us from what i suspect. When we do go back up i suspect we are going to need to make some changes to protect the community -- so expect a meeting between members on it. The community is my main concern -- this wont happen again hopefully if we put precautions. The precautions wont go to Browse Hentai -- that is solely tk's site. I have no idea what will happen to the others, but i know that TK wants those sites to continue as they were.Our Anonib board is also opened up and running with many memebers showing up. We also have a general section and a spam section besides our picture part.Xshini is still offering their uploads on their page -- i wish some of them would venture over here and offer the help they say in their sb but they didnt notice my post in there long ago.Let me say this guy -- if you see posts on other sites on how they can help wurm, shini, blu and tetra -- tell them to come here or just tell them in posts that you need to get info from tk. You can put this site as a short cut -- but i want people to see we do need help. Also all of you who have helped -- pls -- post if you have -- i want people to know that you have done something wonderful and great for our community. I, personally, want to be able to thank you.
Tk has gotten a grand total of one share -- thank you zinn for giving TK some money to help out the site. Sadly the people who offered to help Shini havent contacted TK at all and I doubt they will. Some groups just dont really care about the websites they frequent. Well me and zinn decided that we should have a site to atleast keep some of us together and sharing a little bit.Go to this siteTHAnonBoardZinn is admin so make sure not to piss him off, will ya!We can share pics however of hentai and write to one another a little like on the forum.
Alright kids you may have noticed that Tetra is sending you to a page by hostgator. That is our hosting company. Seems we were living on a tight string because of all the DMCA stuff. Well sadly for us some of the other sites we happen to share a host with -- bluhentai, shinigami, and wurmknight keep getting attacked by people and by the copy right holders of material they offer. Well TK today got a new batch of notices -- DMCA letters. They told him that even pics on the sites were violating the rights of the copy right holders. Once TK got on and spoke to the hosting company they pulled the plug on all the sites. SO that means -- wurmknight, bluehentai(maybe), shinigamiX, browsehentai and even tetrahentai are offline as of can contact me or tk if you need some info
tk's email is
my email is
Cruising_For_A_Bruising@hotmail.comTK's donation site is ***this is a danish site and not in english -- but it accepts paypal
The best help you can do is one of two things -- either donate or tell other people we are trying to work things out -- so people wont go on and clutter other sites with what happened to so and so. I hope that this will be resolved soon.